  1. Download MTS;
  2. Install a server to support PHP; Apache should be used to password-protect your TWs by means of MTS (.htaccess is used).
    • On a local device, you can use: LAMP for Unix, WAMP/OpenServer for Windows, AWebServer/Server for PHP/Palapa for Android, and others;
    • On a hosting, it's likely that Apache and PHP are installed, which is enough.
  3. Put MTS and your TiddlyWikis into a server folder:
    • the typical location of the server folder for Unix (Apache, Nginx) is /var/www/html (Nginx may also use /www or /html in /usr/local/nginx);
    • most servers allow you to configure which folder is the server folder (local servers like AWebServer do that in their interface);
    • for remote servers, it's recommended to open MTS and password-protect it first, and add TWs afterwards.
  4. Open MTS
    • the URL address to open in your browser depends on the used server and its configuration, but here are some typical cases:
    • remote servers will usually use http(s)://your-server-ip-or-domain/;
    • local servers: http://localhost/,, or similar;
    • if you rename MTS to customName.php, add it to the address above (like http://localhost/customName.php).
  5. If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask (see Getting help and ...).
Configuring []

[aside what's available in "?options": working folders, htaccess for restricting only MTS and auxiliary files]

If you develop or use a plugin which uses custom storage format (like some encryption plugins), you may want to disable granulated saving to make them work properly. This is done by either setting config.options.chkAvoidGranulatedSaving = true; in a plugin or via backstage/tweak/Show unknown options interface.